A Bio-K+ Stress Support bottle with sport items


  • Gut Health

  • Healthy Living

  • Wellness

  • By Geneviève Plante, Author, speaker and food blogger



    Life often feels like a race against the clock, filled with work deadlines, household responsibilities, and an endless list of tasks. It’s tough to stay calm amidst the chaos, isn’t it? During such times, discovering effective strategies to manage daily stress is crucial. If you’re looking for a boost, here are five tips I use to reclaim my inner peace when everything seems to be going a hundred miles an hour.



    We all have those days when tasks pile up and we don’t know where to begin. Instead of getting bogged down, try organizing your to-do list as you would declutter an overflowing bag. Take a sheet of paper (or your favorite note-taking app) and jot down everything on your mind. Then, evaluate what’s truly urgent and what can wait without everything falling apart. I like to think of prioritizing as setting up a buffet: some dishes need to be served first, while others can be set aside for later. Remember, the goal is not to sprint but to maintain a sustainable pace. With only 24 hours in a day, don’t forget to carve out some well-deserved breaks!


    These little breaks that I like to call “pleasure breaks” are key to sustaining your energy without burning out. To make the most of your day, incorporate small moments of rejuvenation. After an intense work session, indulge in something that brings you joy—whether it’s sipping a comforting drink, enjoying a piece of dark chocolate, or taking a refreshing walk outside. You might also try some quick stretches to relieve tension or listen to your favorite song for an energy boost. These little moments not only provide mental breaks but also help you return to your tasks with renewed focus and vigor.



    Breathing exercises may seem trivial, but they are incredibly effective for calming the mind. When we’re stressed, we often hold our breath, increasing muscle tension and anxiety. Poor breathing restricts oxygen flow, negatively impacting our well-being. Conversely, deep breathing offers numerous benefits.


    As a former professional musician (before diving into the world of cooking), I learned the importance of breathing early on. Around age 12, I discovered that proper breathing could enhance my control over my instrument and help manage pre-concert anxiety. Even now, I apply these techniques daily. To practice good abdominal breathing, relax your shoulders, inhale through your nose, and let your abdomen expand, feeling the diaphragm descend rather than the shoulders rise. To better understand this, lie down and focus on your breathing; in this position, it naturally becomes deeper and diaphragmatic. The real challenge is replicating this breathing while standing. If you’re curious about this topic, I encourage you to explore breathing exercises further.



    Ah, social life! Often neglected during busy times, isn’t it? We often postpone those cherished moments with friends and family due to time constraints. But how can you fit a dinner with loved ones into a packed schedule? This is where balance (my personal mantra) comes into play. I often find myself tempted to cancel plans when overwhelmed by obligations. However, isolation only heightens stress! Finding a balance between responsibilities and social connections is vital for our well-being. Engaging in conversations, sharing laughs—these moments are sometimes all we need to recharge. And who says laughter isn’t a natural stress reliever? So even when life feels like a whirlwind, don’t hesitate to indulge in social moments!


    Thanks to technology, we can stay connected with loved ones, even from a distance. Virtual coffee breaks, for instance, can easily fit into busy schedules. While nothing can replace in-person meetings, we can still embrace the benefits of technology! Why not schedule weekly virtual catch-ups? These sessions provide opportunities to stay in touch, share daily experiences, and maintain connections, even when time is tight.


    When time is really limited, consider turning some tasks into social moments. This is the art of blending efficiency with enjoyment. For instance, a meal prep day can become a delightful occasion by inviting a friend to cook with you. Not only will you enjoy each other’s company, but you’ll also make meal preparation more enjoyable!



    I know, I know—when life gets hectic, exercising often drops to the bottom of our priorities. Yet, physical activity is one of the best ways to reconnect with the present and calm the mind. Exercise acts like a magic potion against stress. Just a few minutes of movement can transform your day, making you feel more serene and effective. A natural remedy for feeling good!


    Here are some simple tips to help you incorporate more movement into your day without disrupting your schedule. If you work in a multi-story building, skip the elevator and take the stairs whenever you can—it’s a great way to stay active and strengthen your legs. Have phone calls to make? Turn them into “walk & talk” meetings. Walking while talking can boost your energy and creativity. Lastly, after completing a task, take a quick two-minute break to do some push-ups, planks, or wall sits. You’ll be surprised at how it revitalizes your focus!



    Did you know that certain probiotics, including Bio-K+ probiotics, can positively impact digestive and immune health? Recently, Bio-K+ launched a new formula specially designed to manage stress: Probiotics Stress Support capsules with Sensoril®. This innovative formula combines high-quality probiotics with Sensoril®, a patented extract of Ashwagandha known for regulating cortisol levels, a key stress indicator. This product not only help the body cope with everyday stress but also help in relieving occasional sleeplessness, contributing to a more balanced and harmonious lifestyle.


    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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    Geneviève Plante Author, speaker and food blogger
    About the author
    Creativity, authenticity, and intuition are the guiding principles of Geneviève’s daily cooking. This true foodie has been sharing her passion for the past few years through her culinary blog Vert Couleur Persil, whose mission is to inspire people to put more greens on their plates. She offers healthy, gourmet, colorful, simple, and sometimes daring recipes. She has written six cookbooks: Histoires de salades (2016), Houmous & Cie (2017), Vert Couleur Persil (Éditions La Presse - 2019), Les Collations(2020), Bientôt dans votre assiette (Éditions La Presse 2021) and L'heure de la soupe (Éditions La Presse 2022).
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