My 7 healthy daily habits to reduce stress

By Geneviève Plante, Author, speaker and food blogger

My 7 healthy daily habits to reduce stress

Photo credit: Laura G. Diaz

There are only 24 hours in a day, and at times, there are more tasks than you can handle. Time flies by at breakneck speed, and stress often rises along with it. And the question then arises: how can we avoid being overwhelmed by the reaction that puts our whole body under such strain? Of course, stress isn't inevitable, but there are a few things we can do to tame it, calm it down and prevent it from draining our energy.

Over the years, I've adopted a few habits that help me reduce those moments when I feel overwhelmed. Little things I do daily that do me a world of good and help me to cope with life's challenges. Here are my seven healthy daily habits to reduce stress.

Get moving

Getting moving in the morning can be a great way to start the day. Stretching, exercising, walking, running, etc., not only wakes up my metabolism and body, but also my mind and brain. My thoughts become clearer, and I’m better able to concentrate. I feel energized and ready to tackle whatever the day throws at me. I'm physically and mentally unbound, and this feeling of satisfaction motivates me.

Take a break when you feel the need

You can quickly feel overwhelmed or bogged down by a series of tasks, and feel as if you've reached a dead end. Like your phone battery, you need to recharge your energy regularly. Taking care to listen to that little signal when you feel the need to take a break has only advantages. Stop what you're doing, get out, take a walk, breathe in the fresh air, and so on. In short, small gestures that, in just a few minutes, can make a big difference. The simple act of stopping and taking your mind off things allows you to distance yourself from your work, relieve stress, regain concentration and build momentum when you get back to work.

Stay hydrated

As we all know, water plays a fundamental role in maintaining good health. Staying hydrated is essential. Just as you would with a plant to keep it healthy, you need to replenish your hydration. Drinking water has benefits for energy levels and the body in general. Carrying a reusable bottle with you at all times is a good idea. The object itself becomes a reminder to drink more water.

Meals: taking the time

Eating is much more than fuel to keep the body's machine running. Eating well is about taking care of yourself; it's a gift you can give yourself. When it's time to eat, take the time to sit down, appreciate each mouthful, chew and eat consciously. Taking the time to savour your meal is also a moment of relaxation in your busy day. Eating is a joy to be savoured.

Probiotics for everyday well-being

Everyday well-being is a multidimensional concept, both externally and internally. It's about taking time, learning to appreciate and listen to yourself, eating well, being active, and being kind to yourself and the people around you. Well-being also means taking care of your digestive health. In fact, the gut is considered the second emotional brain, and it's important to take care of it. Incorporating probiotics into your daily diet is a simple and effective way of achieving this. A healthy microbiota can save you a lot of trouble. Moreover, it has been shown that there is a link between stress reduction and taking probiotics. All the more reason why I'm particularly fond of Bio-K+ probiotics. They contain three exclusive, clinically proven bacterial strains that work in synergy.

Listen to music

Ever since I was a little girl, music has been my daily companion. Over the years, I've noticed that music on its own has the power to instantly calm me, in addition to enhancing my sense of well-being. It has been scientifically proven that music relaxes the brain. Listening to soft, soothing, relaxing music is believed to have the power to lower cortisol (the stress hormone) levels. A liberating and extraordinary escape.


Before going to bed, I like to do a few simple stretches or a 30-minute session of yin yoga. Yin yoga is a slow, gentle type of yoga that slows you down and brings you back into the present moment. Whereas yang yoga favors movement, rhythm and strength, yin yoga favors stability and insight. Postures are held on the floor for several minutes. The benefits are many, in terms of flexibility, improved energy, and stress management. It's a perfect exercise for clearing the mind before falling into the arms of Morpheus. Anxiety and worries are put aside. Stress melts away and you can sleep peacefully. And, with this approach of letting go, it's easy to relate it to the events of everyday life, and apply it to certain situations.

Geneviève Plante

Author, speaker and food blogger

About the author

Creativity, authenticity, and intuition are the guiding principles of Geneviève’s daily cooking. This true foodie has been sharing her passion for the past few years through her culinary blog Vert Couleur Persil, whose mission is to inspire people to put more greens on their plates. She offers healthy, gourmet, colorful, simple, and sometimes daring recipes. She has written six cookbooks: Histoires de salades (2016), Houmous & Cie (2017), Vert Couleur Persil (Éditions La Presse - 2019), Les Collations(2020), Bientôt dans votre assiette (Éditions La Presse 2021) and L'heure de la soupe (Éditions La Presse 2022).

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