Bio-K+ Green Smoothie

BY Andréanne Martin

Bio-K+ Green Smoothie

The holidays often mean heavy meals paired with drinks, lack of sleep and water retention, among other things.

Taking advantage of quieter days to get back into your routine is a winning strategy to regain your balance and well-being. Mix in some healthier days between the days of excess and make sure to keep hydrated throughout the holidays. On days off, rest, enjoy the outdoors, move, recharge your batteries and fill up on good nutrients. When you've had a lot to eat and drink, and your sleep is disturbed by digestion, start the next day with a delicious smoothie combining the flavors your body craves. It will contain everything needed to give you a jump start in the morning.

With prebiotics, fibers and Bio-K+ probiotics, the ingredients will energize your body and your good gut bacteria. Bio-K+ probiotics are key allies in this recipe, as Bio-K+'s three unique synergistic strains provide guaranteed bio-activity. This means that the bacteria you consume are alive and active, providing proven benefits for your health. The bacteria found in Bio-K+ products are of human origin and thus genetically easier for our body to recognize, making it easier for them to work with the bacteria that make up our digestive tract's microbiota. Just choose your favorite flavors and the ingredients you crave and you’ll get a delicious vegan or vegetarian smoothie.

With this customizable smoothie, you’ll benefit from the quality of the food you're giving to your body, boost your immune system, help your digestion and allow your microbiota to continue helping to improve your overall mental and physical health.


Green Smoothie with Bio-K+ Probiotics

Serves 2

Fill up on greens by choosing one of the following:

3 cups of spinach

2 cups of kale

2 cups of arugula

2 cups of mixed greens

Add 2 servings of fruit:

¼ banana

½ cup wild blueberries

½ cup raspberries

¾ cup strawberries

1/3 cup mango

½ unpeeled apple

Add 1 serving of fiber:

2 tbsp chia seeds

2 tbsp ground flaxseed

¼ cup almonds

2 tbsp oat bran

2 tbsp hemp seeds

Lastly, add one serving of protein:

2 cups unsweetened soy milk

1 cup plain Greek yogurt

1 serving flavorless protein powder

Don't forget your probiotics:

1 bottle Bio-K+: Choose your favorite flavor

Did you try this recipe? Let us know in the comments below! Join our community for more healthy tips and other immune boosting smoothie recipes.

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